dinsdag, oktober 04, 2016Hello there, I guess you guys came upon this article because you're a little bit curious about the person behind this blog. I really like the fact that you are, because this means I can tell you all about myself and all the things I love in life!
My name is Sara, I'm 25 years old and was born and raised in the Netherlands. I'm blessed with a lot of beautiful cultures in my life. I have the sweetest Moroccan mother, a very down-to-earth Dutch father and as of December 2014 I'm happily married to the Turkish love of my life.
When I was a little girl my mother would always call me 'Sarsoera' instead of Sara. It was her little nickname for me and the way she said it was always so lovingly, that to this day it still fills me with so much love and warmth. A similar kind of love and warmth fills me when I talk or write about the things I'm passionate about. That's why when I was looking for a name for my blog, Sarsoera is the first name that popped in my mind.
On this blog you can read about all the things that keep me busy in life. The subjects can vary from beauty tips, to recipes, to products or places I'm extremely excited about. In life I think it's really important to share positivity and beautiful experiences, and that is exactly what I intend to do on this blog.
Besides this blog I currently have a fulltime job, which makes it a little difficult for me to stay on a strict uploading schedule. You will notice that there will be weeks where I will be able to upload a lot of content during the week, and there will be weeks when I'm very busy and short on time which forces me to only upload on the weekends. In days where I'm not so active on the blog, you can find me showing you my busy life on social media, so don't forget to follow, like and add me on all of it!
If you ever have a question or you just want to make a statement, you can always comment underneath my posts. That's the fastest way to get an answer out of me. Of course you can also reach me on my e-mail adress, which is listed down below in the contact-bar.
I hope you guys enjoy reading everything I have to say, and off course I would really love to see you guys coming back for more blogposts!